The Role of Authenticity

The Role of Authenticity in Your Health & Well-Being

Authenticity has become quite the buzzword over the last few years — and for good reason! As more and more folks took a break from...

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How does the body store emotions? Understand the fascia and its role in emotional healing.

In order to heal emotional trauma, we must understand how it manifests in the body as a physical disease...

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Emotional Release 101

Can emotions cause disease? An overview of releasing emotions and healing trauma.

Emotions: They are fundamental to our health. Seems like an overstatement, doesn’t it? For the vast majority...

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Welcome to the World of Emotional Healing

Why and how I am shifting my work

There are moments in our lives that transform the way we look at everything around us. Experiences that shift the foundation we stand on and cause us to adapt our...

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